Waste collection Municipality of Vlissingen

It is very important that we improve our household waste separation in the Municipality of Vlissingen. Former Alderman E. Verhage was responsible for Vlissingen's Raw Materials Policy. She explains why waste separation is so important.

Statement alderman Verhage

E. Verhage: "The depletion of raw materials puts increasing pressure on the environment. Residual waste must be incinerated in waste incinerators, which is harmful for the environment and costs us money. Moreover, many waste materials can be reused as raw materials for new products. On averge, we produce in Vlissingen 344 kg of residual waste per person per year. That is a lot, especially considering that the Dutch government has ordered us to reduce this amount to 100 kg.
When we take a close look at what we put in our residual waste container, we find that almost all of it could be recycled. Vegetable, fruit and garden waste can be turned into compost, plastic can be used for car bumpers, mattresses can be turned into new mattresses or carpets and used paper and cardboard can be recycled into new paper and cardboard.
Personally, I take it as a challenge to produce as little residual waste as possible. It is something I have become quite passionate about. By now our household produces so little residual waste, that our residual waste container needs to be emptied only occasionally. 
The new waste collection system in Vlissingen makes waste separation easy for everybody. So I would say to everyone: Separating your waste? Just do it!"


The added leaflets contain information about waste collection in the Municipality of Vlissingen. If you have problems with reading the leaflets or if you have a question, please contact us via e-mail gemeente@vlissingen.nl.